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Kansas City domestic violence attorneys

Kansas City Domestic Violence Attorney

Whether you’re facing charges or are a victim of domestic violence, the impact it can have on your life can be profound. At Kansas Legal Group, our team of domestic violence attorneys in Kansas has extensive experience working with clients from both sides of these cases, which gives us a deep understanding of the challenges you may be facing. Our domestic violence attorneys in Kansas handle cases with an extra level of care to help guide you through these difficult legal issues, while simultaneously protecting your rights at every step.

Identifying Situations of Domestic Violence

Domestic violence involves a range of behaviors used by one person in a relationship to control the other. Abuse can be identified in various forms, such as:

  • Physical Abuse: This might include actions like hitting, slapping, punching, kicking, biting, or any physical force used to inflict pain or injury. Physical abuse can also involve denying medical care or forcing alcohol/drug use on someone.
  • Emotional Abuse: This form of abuse includes undermining a person’s sense of self-worth through constant criticism, belittling one’s abilities, name-calling, or damaging one’s relationship with one’s children. Emotional abuse often takes the form of manipulation and control, such as isolating the person from family and friends, or withholding affection as punishment.
  • Psychological Abuse: Threats—including threats to harm oneself, the partner, children, or the partner’s family or friends—can instill fear and help to maintain control. Psychological abuse also includes actions like stalking or intimidation.
  • Sexual Abuse: This can range from demeaning sexual comments to sexual assault and rape. It also includes coercing, or attempting to coerce, any sexual behavior without consent, and often follows physical attacks.
  • Economic Abuse: The abuser might take control of all the money, withhold access to bank accounts, collect and confiscate the partner’s earnings, or prohibit the partner from attending their job or school.
  • Technological Abuse: Using technology to control, harass, or threaten a partner, which can include stalking someone via GPS, monitoring phone calls and texts, and controlling social media interactions.
  • Spiritual Abuse: This involves using a person’s religious or spiritual beliefs to manipulate them, forbidding them from practicing their religious beliefs, ridiculing their beliefs, or forcing them into unwanted religious situations.

A domestic violence attorney in Kansas can help you recognize the signs of abuse to take the first step toward empowerment and break free from the cycle of violence.

Contact us or call us at (913) 456-5738 today for a free case evaluation.

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Legal Protections Against Domestic Violence in Kansas

In Kansas, victims of domestic violence have access to several legal mechanisms designed to provide protection and safety. Domestic violence protection orders, often referred to as restraining orders, are legal documents issued by a court to help protect individuals from abuse or threats of abuse from an intimate partner or household member. 

Types of Protective Orders in Kansas

Temporary Protection from Abuse: Issued promptly without a hearing when a victim claims immediate danger, these orders are temporary and typically last until a formal court hearing can be arranged, which is usually within 14 to 21 days.

Permanent Protection from Abuse: After a court hearing, if the judge is convinced of the potential danger to the petitioner, a permanent order may be granted. These orders are more enduring and can last up to one year or more, with the possibility of renewal based on ongoing risk.

A domestic violence attorney in Kansas can provide crucial assistance in navigating the complexities of obtaining protective orders. They can help you understand your options for protective orders, and help you find the right solution for you and your family.

How to Obtain a Protective Order

To obtain a protective order in Kansas, you start by filing a petition at your local district court with the help of a domestic violence attorney in Kansas. This petition should explain your relationship with the abuser, describe any instances of violence, and specify the type of protection you need. If the judge believes you or your children are in immediate danger, they may grant  a temporary order. A formal court hearing is scheduled where both parties can present their evidence and testimonies to assess the need for a permanent protective order. If the judge rules in your favor, a permanent order is issued, outlining the restrictions placed on the abuser.

Defending Against a Domestic Violence Protection Order in Kansas

If you’ve been accused of domestic violence in Kansas and served with a temporary protection order, you should face a hearing for a permanent protection order within about 20 days. It’s important to understand your legal options and defenses. A domestic violence attorney in Kansas plays an important role in this process. They can help protect your rights and work toward the best possible outcome under the circumstances.

Here’s what you can expect and how your domestic violence attorney in Kansas can help:

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Kansas City Divorce Law Firm

Preparing Your Defense

Before the hearing, your domestic violence attorney in Kansas will prepare a comprehensive defense based on the specifics of your case. This preparation includes gathering evidence, formulating legal arguments, and strategizing on the best approach to take in court.

Court Representation

During the hearing, your domestic violence attorney in Kansas will present your defense, challenging the allegations against you. This might include presenting evidence that disputes the claims, or highlighting inconsistencies in the accuser's testimony.


In some cases, it may be beneficial to negotiate with the opposing party for a resolution that avoids a permanent protection order. Your domestic violence attorney in Kansas can negotiate on your behalf, aiming to reach an agreement that minimizes the impact on your life while addressing the concerns of all parties involved.

Kansas City Divorce and Family Law Firm

Need Help with Domestic Violence?

Call Kansas Legal Group at 913.456.5738 or get started with a complimentary case evaluation.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I file for divorce in Kansas on the grounds of domestic violence?

Kansas allows for divorce on the grounds of “incompatibility,” which can include situations involving domestic violence. While you do not need to prove domestic violence to file for divorce, such behavior can be documented and presented during the proceedings, and may affect outcomes related to custody, support, and property division.

What evidence is needed to demonstrate domestic violence in a divorce case?

Evidence can include police reports, medical records, photographs of injuries, records of communications (texts, emails, voicemails), witness statements, and any legal documentation such as prior restraining orders or protective orders. Your domestic violence attorney in Kansas can help you gather and present this evidence effectively.

Can domestic violence affect alimony decisions in Kansas?

While Kansas courts consider several factors in deciding alimony, domestic violence may be a significant factor. If domestic violence has impacted the victim’s ability to work or has led to significant medical expenses, this might affect the amount and duration of alimony awarded.

Contact Us

Overland Park Office (Main):
9300 W 110th Street
Suite 645
Overland Park, KS 66210



8:30 a.m.–12 p.m.
1 p.m.–5 p.m.

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