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Kansas City Contested Divorce Attorneys

Kansas Contested Divorce Attorneys

What Is a Contested Divorce in Kansas?

When separating couples are not able to come to agreements on how to divide assets, custody agreements, child support, and other matters of their separation, a contested divorce is typically the only option for the situation. In a contested divorce in Kansas, both parties hire separate attorneys and initiate the divorce proceedings in court without prior agreements. This traditional process involves following legal procedures set by the court, which may include formal discovery and engaging expert witnesses to uncover facts vital to the case. Although a contested divorce may lead to a trial, settlement opportunities are typically available throughout the process.

Contested divorces are generally the most costly and lengthy form of divorce. It’s important to understand that the length and cost of each divorce ultimately depends on both parties’ ability to reach an agreement. However, in certain situations, it represents the best avenue to ensure a client’s rights are fully protected. The skilled attorneys at Kansas Legal Group specialize in every type of divorce, including contested. They provide comprehensive support to their clients, guiding them through challenging times while advocating vigorously for their interests.

Why You Shouldn’t Navigate a Contested Divorce Alone

While you don’t need to hire an attorney to get divorced in Kansas, it is highly recommended, especially in contested cases, where emotions run high. An attorney can help ensure your assets are protected and help you avoid common mistakes along the way, including:

  • Documentation Errors: The divorce process requires accurate completion of numerous forms. Errors or omissions can delay your case or cause legal issues.
  • Sacrificing Rights: Without legal guidance, you may be unaware of your entitlements. This can lead to unfair concessions, such as relinquishing fair child custody arrangements based on incorrect information.
  • Reduced Time with Children: Divorce proceedings can impact your relationship with your children. Failure to adhere to legal standards might result in less parenting time.
  • Disadvantaged in Court: Facing a spouse with legal representation while you are alone puts you at a significant disadvantage, as their attorney has better knowledge of legal strategies and procedures.
  • Unfavorable Agreements: Without an attorney, you may agree to terms that do not favor your interests. Additionally, you may lack the means to enforce agreements if your ex-partner violates them.

A contested divorce can be one of the most stressful types of divorce in Kansas, but sometimes it is the only option for individuals who cannot reach an agreement on the terms of their divorce. Having a skilled attorney by your side will help you avoid the common errors and risks outlined above, but they can also take a load of stress off you and provide peace of mind. They should be your fearless advocates, ready to fight on your behalf.

Preparing for a Contested Divorce Trial

Preparing for a contested divorce trial can be intimidating, but it doesn’t have to be. Our attorneys at Kansas Legal Group are highly skilled and experienced in the areas of family law in Overland Park. They are familiar with the laws and courts systems to help better guide you through the process. After having a deeper understanding of your situation and the outcomes you desire, we will craft a strategy for your case.

Our attorneys will determine how the law applies to the facts of your case. Additionally, we will help identify any witnesses that could be helpful in the outcome of your case and prep them for trial as well. We’ll thoroughly walk through court strategy with you to ensure you're prepared and that you feel confident in the courtroom.

Exceptional Legal Representation in Kansas

Great litigation lawyers don’t just rely on improvisation as often portrayed in the media. Success in the courtroom is usually achieved by the most prepared attorney. At Kansas Legal Group, our attorneys pride themselves on thorough preparation, which begins well before stepping into the courtroom. This meticulous approach is well-recognized within the legal community and is key to securing favorable outcomes for our clients. If you’re facing a divorce, trust our team of talented family law attorneys to represent you during your case.

Contact us or call us at (913) 456-5738 today for a free case evaluation.

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Kansas City Divorce and Family Law Firm

Looking For A Contested Divorce Attorney?

Call Kansas Legal Group at 913.456.5738 or get started with a complimentary case evaluation.

Frequently Asked Questions

Will I have to testify if my case goes to trial?

Even if your case is contested it doesn’t necessarily mean that it will go to trial. If your case does go to trial, it is likely you will have to testify, but your attorney will discuss the important and strategical reasons behind the decision for you to provide your testimony.

Will I get a jury trial for my case?

In Kansas, these cases are heard by a judge, not a jury. The judge will be the one to make the final decision regarding the terms of your separation if an agreement cannot be reached.

Will my friends and family be called to testify at my trial?

A trial for a contested divorce in real life looks very different than what you might see on TV. Typically there aren’t a lot of outside witnesses involved, but that doesn’t mean there are none. At times it can be necessary to bring in an outside witness whether that be a friend, family member, or experts to further corroborate with your testimony. Your attorney can help you determine if this is needed and who would need to testify.

Contact Us

Overland Park Office (Main):
9300 W 110th Street
Suite 645
Overland Park, KS 66210



8:30 a.m.–12 p.m.
1 p.m.–5 p.m.

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